Mar 2024 - Mission of the Month

Josh Provow


Josh Provow and family lived and served in Svishtov, Bulgaria, until November 2017. When they returned to Bulgaria, the family relocated to Shumen, the tenth largest city in Bulgaria. They plan to plant churches in Shumen and the surrounding villages. They especially hope to impact the minority ethnic population.

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.

Feb 2024 - Mission of the Month

1040 Initiative


The 1040 Initiative is a nonprofit that exists to provide life-changing essentials to impoverished communities in Côte d'Ivoire and Morocco.

Our work centers around education, health care, and safe drinking water to those who would otherwise go without.

Since 2010, 1040i supporters have impacted more than 38,000 lives in Africa.

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.

Lakehills Free Will Baptist
Jan 2024 - Mission of the Month

Jacob and Hailee Voltz


Jacob grew up in Magnolia, Texas, and Hailee grew up in Bristol, Tennessee. Through God’s plan, they met while attending Welch College. Jacob was a Business major with an Intercultural Studies minor. He had developed a heart for missions at a young age by watching his sisters attend ETEAM and also partaking in his own mission trips via ETEAM and CMP. Hailee was a Biology major with a plan to enter the medical field. Through her own mission trips via CMP and prayer, she felt called to international ministries. Jacob and Hailee were unsure of their role in God’s perfect plan but through His timing revealed the door He had waiting for them.

 Jacob and Hailee have been approved for a two-year internship to serve and learn in Bulgaria.

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.