June 2023 - Mission of the Month

Jim and Tracey Kilgore

China Spring, Texas

The Kilgores are planting a new church in China Springs, Texas (a suburb of Waco) in partnership with the Texas state mission board. Jim and Tracey are no strangers to church planting. After pastoring for some time in California, they planted Heritage FWB, in Greenfield, CA in 2009. Jim has felt a burden for the city of Waco for several years and they are excitedly following God’s calling into the area. The Kilgores moved to Waco in 2021, and they were immediately concerned by the lack of gospel outreach particularly in the North Waco area. They plan to plant a church in the China Springs area, a region with a population of around 30,000 people but only a handful of established churches. Half-way between Dallas and Austin, Waco is a popular stop for visitors from all over the country making it a great region for this new ministry.

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.

May 2023 - Mission of the Month

Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC)

Our mission focus in May will be for the FWB Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC) and their Provision Closet ministry.

The closet is located at the Free Will Baptist National Offices building in Antioch, Tennessee. It is stocked through the sacrificial giving of women all over the United States to support the needs of all Free Will Baptist missionaries, both home and international. These items are given free of charge to missionaries, keeping them from spending money from their accounts for household items.

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.

Apr 2023 - Mission of the Month

Kyle and Beth Howell

Authentic Church, Victoria, Texas

The story of Authentic started in early 2015. My wife and I had felt God calling us for many years to start a new church, but we just never knew when it was supposed to happen, or where. In the spring of 2015, God began to show us that the time was now to begin the process. After searching out many different places and praying hard for God to make it clear to us, God began to speak to us about Victoria. After we spoke with other leaders and friends in ministry, and shared the vision with family, it become clear that we were supposed to begin the work here. Since we arrived, God has been putting together an amazing team of people who have the same passion as we do. It’s been exciting to see how God continues to blow us away and open up opportunities that we could not have imagined, if He had not been in it! Even though we are only in the early stages of this church plant, God has provided so many things, including a building!

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.