Mar 2022 - Mission of the Month

Kyle and Beth Howell

Authentic Church, Victoria, Texas

The story of Authentic started in early 2015. My wife and I had felt God calling us for many years to start a new church, but we just never knew when it was supposed to happen, or where. In the spring of 2015, God began to show us that the time was now to begin the process. After searching out many different places and praying hard for God to make it clear to us, God began to speak to us about Victoria. After we spoke with other leaders and friends in ministry, and shared the vision with family, it become clear that we were supposed to begin the work here. Since we arrived, God has been putting together an amazing team of people who have the same passion as we do. It’s been exciting to see how God continues to blow us away and open up opportunities that we could not have imagined, if He had not been in it! Even though we are only in the early stages of this church plant, God has provided so many things, including a building!

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.

Feb 2022 - Mission of the Month

Chris and Beth Willhite

CV Church, Princeton, Texas

Chris and Beth Willhite and their son Thomas are working as lead church planters at CV Church in Princeton, Texas. Chris and Beth have served in ministry for nearly two decades and once again have followed the call of God into church planting. Chris earned a BA in Youth Ministry and Bible from Welch College where he met Beth, who is also a graduate of Welch. Before taking the role of lead planter, Chris served as associate planter at CV Church where he ministered to students and families. Beth works with students, along with the praise team and women’s ministry. Thomas has also begun to seek his place in ministry, helping with younger children.

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.

Lakehills Free Will Baptist
Jan 2022 - Mission of the Month

Eddy and Amanda Simmons

Samburu People, Kenya

Eddy and Amanda Simmons serve the Samburu people who live in a remote arid area of Northern Kenya. They have ministered in Kenya off and on since 2003. When arriving in Kenya, they had their four sons with them. They left for a few years due to medical issues that Eddy developed, but returned to serve the Samburu full-time in 2017 in a new area that was unreached. Hard living conditions there, but soft hearts toward the Gospel!

Mission offerings are accepted in-person or online.